Onyx's sound may range from hip hop, alternative, indie, rap, and soul
to create a blend that makes you want to sing out loud, cry, feel and laugh.
The message is rooted from the pain that's been transmuted for a healing on whatever stage of your journey you are on.
The goal is to inspire others to love, be free and spread their wings to fly.
to create a blend that makes you want to sing out loud, cry, feel and laugh.
The message is rooted from the pain that's been transmuted for a healing on whatever stage of your journey you are on.
The goal is to inspire others to love, be free and spread their wings to fly.
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Ready Now
Perspective is everything. What you once thought was there, could be behind a wall. The eyes fool you just as life does, this describes the journey, the growth, and the evolution of On8yx.
The story of Onyx turning into a on8yx through poetry and pictures.
Don't Need A Wave Face Mask
Have you heard "Don't Need A Wave" ? Do you need a new face mask?
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On Sale
Ready Now Audio Book
We heard your feedback and want to offer the book to you at lower prices. Enjoy the audio book today! Recordings done by Onyx Simpson.
Get it Now While they Last!